Today is the first day of National Blog Posting Month and I have been invited to participate in a blog-every-day-for the-whole-month challenge. Writing a daily blog post is an intimidating, exciting test for me, that’s for sure. And I seem to be the kind of person who likes a challenge, so here goes!
I found out about the Nano Poblano 2017 through my friend of Carolyn Owens, who participated in this month-long creation eruption last year. I have been in the habit of writing articles 2-3 times a month as a way to build audience for my books and coaching services but have never blogged much, and certainly not at this level. As a matter of fact, my first challenge within this challenge was to get into the admin portion of my rather dormant website and set up a blog page. Did that last night, so I feel like a success already!
When I start a project, I like to start with setting intentions. I believe it supports me creating outcomes that please me. Otherwise, I can be kind of willy-nilly and reactive, and run the risk of finding myself burdened by what I have taken on. Three is a good number. 🙂
- This blog challenge is a really fun way for me to expand my writing into new corners of content.
- I am going to connect with and meet some amazing new people as I go through it.
- Everyone in the group is going to receive exactly what they need from it and we all ride a wave of satisfaction with ourselves and what we produce.
I am happy to be in for this ride and hope you, as readers, observers, and co-bloggers will join this adventure with me. Can’t wait to see what we all create together!